Sunday, May 4, 2014

Uganda 2014 Day 2: Amsterdam

We arrived in Amsterdam today and got to shower! Yes, it is the little things like showering that makes travelers smile!

Our plan was to go to a Chinese restaurant one of Shawna's friends told us about then go to a record store to find his record and then visit the ann frank house... We didn't get very far. By the time we got to the hotel and showered it was 3:30 our time. We grabbed our map and started walking to find Wok to Walk. This was probably the coolest Chinese restaurant and it was so delicious!

We were able to sit and take in the culture of Amsterdam, which is extremely fashionable! We then set out to find a record store. Here is what we learn... Don't trust Jaimie with a map! We got turned around more than once and when we finally found the record store but couldn't find her friends record, which was a huge let down.  By the time we found the record store it was around 5:30 and the ann frank house closed at 7 so we weren't able to make it that far. However, walking around the streets of Amsterdam was pretty sweet.

 All in all I am just ready to be in Uganda and getting tired of traveling. We are getting to bed early tonight and leaving tomorrow morning around 11 our time (5am US time). Will continue to blog as I can but internet in Uganda is not so frequent. Thank you all again for your support and prayer! So excited to see what God does this summer.

ANSWERED PRAYER REQUEST! Rev John is out of bed and seems to be doing better. Continue to pray for healing for fully recovery.

Prayer request:

  1. We don't sleep in tomorrow and miss our shuttle back to the airport! 
  2. Everything goes smoothly tomorrow morning at the airport
  3. For Shawna and I to continue to keep focused on God's plan for this trip and to stay well rested.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Uganda 2014 Day 1 Part 2

Am now sitting in the airport at Houston waiting to board the plane for Amsterdam.

Houston was a blast I was able to leave the airport and see my best friend heather who moved shortly after high school graduation! It was so amazing to get to catch up and do some little sight seeing in Houston as well as get some last minute items we forgot to pack. 

I am excited to continue this journey but continue to ask for prayers, I am stressing about Amsterdam we have to get our luggage to a small hotel and recheck them the following morning. I ask that things run smoothly and everything works out. 

Fear not for I am with you neither be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you I will help you and I will uphold you in my righteous hand. 
   ~Isaiah 41:10

Thank you all for the support! 
God bless,

Uganda 2014 Day 1

Well, people yelled at me when I told them I would attempt to blog during this trip. Everyone was telling me that I had to so people back home could see what I was doing and that everyone would want to read this. I guess I just struggle with the fact that I probably find things way more interesting when it comes to Uganda but nevertheless here I go. This  will be my blog during this trip and it will be filled with spelling and grammatical errors so just embrace it. 

Am sitting at the airport now and let me tell you an hour of sleep is not enough when you are going on a month mission trip but looking forward to sleeping on the plane rides. 

Highlights of this trip thus far:
1. Smooth sailing through security and check in
2. I FINALLY got caribou coffee!!! 
3. I got to say goodbye to Rachel and the whole Robare clan at their gate! 
4. I don't have to take all my luggage with me when I need to use the restroom or get food because SHAWNA is with me!! 

Needless to say I am beyond blessed and feeling so loved! Thank you all for the support and continued prayers! 

Prayer requests:
1. Rev. John has malaria right now so pray he recovers quickly.
2. For Shawna and I to get the rest we desperately need
3. For our hearts to be open and for God to tear down our walls and allow us to experience His love! 

God bless,